Women’s Handgun & Self-Defense Fundamentals


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Our Women’s Firearm Basics class is tailored to provide women with a supportive and empowering environment to learn the fundamental skills of firearm handling and safety. Whether you’re a complete novice or have some experience with firearms, this class is designed to help you build confidence and proficiency with handguns.

Led by experienced female instructors who understand the unique needs and concerns of women, this class covers everything you need to know to safely and effectively handle a firearm. We’ll start with a comprehensive overview of firearm safety principles, including proper handling, storage, and transportation.

Participants will learn about different types of handguns, their components, and how they function. Our instructors will guide you through the process of selecting the right handgun for your needs, considering factors such as size, caliber, and ergonomics.

Hands-on instruction will cover the basics of shooting technique, including grip, stance, sight alignment, and trigger control. You’ll have the opportunity to practice these skills on the range under the guidance of our instructors, who will provide personalized feedback and support to help you improve.

Safety is paramount in our Women’s Firearm Basics class, and our instructors will emphasize proper range etiquette and procedures at all times. You’ll learn how to safely load, unload, and clear malfunctions with your firearm, ensuring a safe and enjoyable shooting experience.

Whether you’re interested in firearms for self-defense, sport shooting, or personal empowerment, this class will equip you with the knowledge and skills to handle a handgun safely and confidently. Join us and discover the empowerment that comes from mastering this valuable skill.


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